"Design My Blog"

Hey Penguins I have a task for you, think of it as an ongoing monthly contest. I want to change things up a bit and I was hoping you all could help me.

Here's the skinny.

 Once a month I want to change the look of my blog's background image. Sounds simple right? I thought so too, but coming up with cool stuff is hard sometimes. That is why I'm asking for help. I know there are so many creative, like minded people out there and I am giving you a "blank canvas" of sorts to let loose! I don't have many rules for this contest, but not having many also means that I have some and here they are;

1. Contestants must be members of my Penguin Elite (so FOLLOW today!)

2. All images must be original artwork with your signature in the corner (so you can get proper props and so I don't get sued).

3. Images must be emailed in .jpeg format (it makes it easier to turn into a background)

4. I don't know if you noticed, but i have a theme. PENGUINS, black, white and red all over (hence being a gazette). Try to incorporate the colors and a penguin somewhere in the design, but it doesn't mean that it has to take up the whole picture. Tossing the blog name is cool but not necessary. As much as I want a cool picture I want you to show me YOUR flare!

5. When you email me please put "design my page" in the subject so I know what I'm opening.


The picture that I choose will not only get their work shown on my page for an entire month, but the artist will also receive a write up describing their AWESOMENISITY, including links to their sites so others can know of their "skills of an artist"! To make that happen when you send the picture I will send you my info survey. Fill it out and send it to me ASAP!

So with that.....HAVE FUN!!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


P.S. By emailing me the picture you are giving me permission to use it here and ONLY here. Meaning I will not be using it on any other site and you will ALWAYS own the picture! You are just allowing me to borrow it for the month it is being used.