Friday, November 25, 2011

Goin' Places

Hey everyone, the last few weeks have been insane which is why I haven't had time to hop on here and drive you wild with my crazy stories and reviews. A lot of the last few days have been wrapped up in us (Anya and I) getting ready for our big trip next week. We are leaving the states for a bit to visit Rome and Madrid and then back to San Diego via San Francisco and LA. 3 weeks in total ending with us taking a train from LA back home on Christmas. Crazy huh? We can't wait, the last few days have both flown by as well as been the longest ones yet. So forgive me guys as I have been behind on a lot of my bloggy duties. I will try to catch up on a few things before I go! So check back before the weekend is out for "Design My Blog" winner, video and "Blog of the Month" updates. Who know's I might even have a new word for you. soon too. Until then I have to try and pack for three weeks...what to take?

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

San Diego Food Trucks: PART 2

Hey EVERYONE, last time I hipped you all to a few of my favorite food trucks and the response was amazing. The trucks loved it and so did the fans. From what I’ve been told some of the business to the trucks have boomed and I’ve also been told that I had a hand in that. I’m so glad that I could help get the word out to new food truck stalkers everywhere. I have 3 more for you that you absolutely NEED to try. Make sure you bring your wallets because you’re going to want to but the entire menu after one bite. Get ready to be hungry!

First up on the menu we have Dharma Dogs. These guys are NOT your everyday hot dog cart! Although their dogs are simple and clean, the toppings they add bring a whole new dimension and style to the typical hot dog.  With dogs like the “Baja” (grilled onions, jalapeƱos, Dharma sauce, mayo, mustard and its wrapped in bacon), and the “206” (with cream cheese, brown mustard, grilled onions, and for extra kick you can add saracha to it) you can’t go wrong!  We found them one night when my wife and I were starving and had no idea what to eat (for those of you that know us, you know that’s most nights) luckily for me I was checking Twitter and saw that they would be by us, so we went.  

They have their truck parked nightly in the Hillcrest area and have a pretty loyal following and that night they added 2 more to their ever growing line! We tried almost everything on the menu, which included 3 of the 4 dogs (Baja, 206, Chili), the onion rings (warm, crisp, golden brown yummyness), the Parmesan fries (I don’t even have words), and the donut trio (OH YEAH THEY MAKE DONUTS!!!!). The flavors were outstanding! Every bite from first to last made me smile from ear to ear. Normally, with a hot dog I expect a snap to the skin, while I didn’t get that with these dogs (which is normally a big turn off, and has caused me to stop eating in mid bite), the mix of flavors brought out by the toppings more than made up for it. The spicy “Baja” was a southwest treat that left my taste buds tingling from both the heat of the jalapeƱos and the anticipation my mouth had waiting for another bite. The “206” changed the way I looked at hot dogs because the way the cream cheese complemented the dog and acted as a cooling agent for the saracha (really frickin hot hot sauce), kind of blew my mind.

All of their fried treats (fries, rings and donuts) all had that perfect look, feel, and crunch you’d expect to get from your favorite hang out and to top it off nothing was greasy or heavy! Everything that we had that night made it hard for us to leave. As a matter of fact, we stayed at the truck and got to know Steven and Joanne (Dharma Dogs owners and Chefs) late into the evening! My wife and I ate there about 3 times in the first week that we met them. That tells you 2 things, 1 I really like food…a lot, and 2 these guys are all that is right with hot dogs. If you guys are looking for great taste, a crazy variety, and 2 of the nicest people you’ve ever met check out Dharma Dogs they are sure to delight and their flavors will surprise even the harshest of hot dog critics!

Next up on this virtual Food Truck tour we have the Pierogi Truck! Owned by Tom Bordyczewski and Bozena “Mama” Bordyczewski (a lovely woman, who’s smile is infectious and will warm your heart), and with Anthony's help cooking, this truck specializes in…PIERGOIS DUH!! Not many people know what these little pillows of joy are so let me explain. These are basically dumplings that are traditionally stuffed with potatoes, but these guys do so much more than just the “basics”. They have stuffings that go from the traditional potato to spinach and even an AMAZING meat pierogi, which is guaranteed to transport you mouth straight to Poland! Every time we stop at this big purple truck I tell myself “TRY SOMETHING NEW, TRY SOMETHING NEW!!!!!” Does it happen? No, because that meat pierogis just keeps calling my name and begging me to eat it. If you think I’m playing, give it a try for yourself and I dare you not to get hooked! They top these perfectly cooked “dumplings of love” with green onions, perfectly grilled diced onions and BACON!!! MMMMMMM!!! So delicious and so filling!

I take back what I said earlier, I have had one other thing from the truck and I was SO happy about it! I had their polish sausage and the flavors were “OUT-MAZING” (outstanding with a pinch of amazing)! They take their sausage that has a whole history’s worth of flavor and top it with green onions and slices of grilled onions, and put it inside a perfectly toasted bun. The crunch of the bun, with the snap of the skin and the sharpness of the onions that surprisingly don’t over power the deep flavors of the sausage was superb! These guys have so many delicious looking items that I can’t wait to try them all! I think next time I’m going to try the Hungarian Pancake; I have no doubt that it is going to be amazing! 

Everybody on the truck handles your food with the kind of love that you would expect to get from your own family. You get a sense of how hard they work to bring these little Polish masterpieces to us and it almost makes me feel like they deserve something more than just cash for it. That's part of why I'm including them in this post, the other part is because they make delicious food and deserve to be recognized! IF YOU PASS BY THIS TRUCK YOUR MISSING OUT ON SOMETHING GREAT!!! So make sure you check these guys out on Twitter and LIKE them on Facebook to stay up on where they will be next!

The final truck in this trifecta of Food Truck Madness is called Slow Cal BBQ. These guys are fairly new to the truck game, but have it down pact! Mel “BOOTS” Johnson (Chef/Owner) runs this delectable BBQ truck with the help of his sister Sophia and his Sous-chef Leti. When I first heard of them I was on Twitter and heard that a new BBQ truck was coming to town, so instantly I was intrigued. Being from Texas I believe that BBQ is supposed to be done a certain way. You see, it’s not about the sauce it’s about the flavor of the meat, being tender without being mushy, and being able to stand on your own WITHOUT the aid of a sauce. BBQ is being able to taste the time, love, and respect for a craft that takes years to master and only seconds to screw up. The sauce is important no doubt, but if you have to completely drench you meat in it then it wasn’t worth the money you paid for it in the first place.

This is why I absolutely, 100% back these guys and give them the “PENGUIN’S STAMP OF AWESOMENISITY” for being the best BBQ I’ve had, hands down from any establishment in San Diego! They know BBQ and they know how to please people. They don’t try to hide the real beef or pork flavors by covering there meat in the sauce (of which they have three homemade sauces you can buy and each stand out for their bold “kick in the teeth” flavors), and they sure don’t skimp on the portions.  You definitely get what you pay for with these guys, great food that will have you running back for seconds and thirds.  The first time we ordered from Slow Cal BBQ we took it home and the whole way the smell made it hard for me to concentrate on the road. After we ate (and picked our blown minds off the floor), I rushed back to get seconds and to tell them all how amazing they are! Hell, I even went so far as to tell Mel that he had to bring it in and get some “BRO-MAN” hug love action (because oh yeah…it was just that good. I almost needed a smoke and a nap after I had his brisket).

I’m almost afraid for Mel’s safety right now. Reason being if I tell you about this man’s ribs you guys might rush him like tweens at a Bieber concert…but he’s a big boy so I think he can handle it. Just last Friday I called in an order for some ribs to take to our weekly dinner date with Anya’s Grandparents and my God did make the right call (matter of fact it was my Anya’s idea…yup she’s a GENIUS!!!). When I picked them up, Mel told me that they had been on the smoker since 7am that morning (it was 630pm when I got them). Now Anya’s Grandfather (PAPA to everyone that knows him) is the RIB MAN in the family, and if ribs get his sign of approval, well then you know you have something marvelous on your hands. To make a long story short, I’ll just show you his plate…and some of the other mouth watering greatness!

See what I mean? When you can clear the meat off the bone like that, who needs Phil’s? For those of you that don’t know, Phil’s is a BBQ place out here that some people swear to…not me though. My allegiance is to Slow Cal BBQ and to Slow Cal BBQ ALONE! So please make sure you check Twitter or Facebook to find out where the “OINK” will be next!

Well that’s all for this week’s post. I want to apologize to everyone for being as sporadic as of late with my posts, the last few weeks have been really insane and I will try to do better! Until next week EAT, DRINK AND TRUCK STALK!!!

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


P.S. Whenever you decide to stop by these AMAZING eateries, let them know you heard about them here or that you at least read the article so they know how much support and appreciation we have for their hard work!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Young and Ridiculously Talented

Okay, that’s enough about me…No?....not funny?... whatever.

Last night (11/4/2011) I was at one of my local music spots, Mueller College, here in San Diego for a concert. While the concert was pretty AWESOME, it was the after show performances that I am going to tell you about today. I was talking to one of the performers when I heard this beautiful music coming from the stage. There was a young man up there playing the hell out of one of the earlier performers guitars. His voice grabbed everyone’s attention and like moths to a flame we were drawn back to our seats.  He kind of tried to shy away at first when we were more or less begging for more, but as all musicians do he eventually agreed to play some more. He started by playing an Allen Stone song called "Unaware", another artist that I am new to and already like… A LOT, and I was hooked!

His voice was strong and powerful, but delicate and had an extremely soulful glow that you could see with every strum of the guitar and the warmth in his voice was felt with every note that was sung. Just picture Leroy from “The Last Dragon” mixed with Troy Palomalu, , Brian McKnight (circa “One Last Cry”), and some Jason Mraz/Ernie Halter and TADOW (yup that was needed) you have KylleThomasson.  While he was singing that Allen Stone song, he stopped in the middle to say that he felt like he was massacring the song…This was so not the case. One artist that played earlier made mention that he was “crushing it” and that he did the song “better than the original”. Now I was so awe-struck that I didn’t record the version he performed so I can’t show you but I did manage to record some of his song “Good Morning" , I also have a few select videos from his YouTube channel. To me this song sounds like he’s ready to make a single. Tell me what you think.

We (my wife and I) thought that he was so good that not only am I writing this post but my wife offered him a job as a vocal coach for her afterschool program. I would highly recommend that you keep an eye out for this guy because he is going to be huge! I asked Kylle some questions to better get to know him and here they are. I think you’ll find that for an 18 year old he’s got a pretty good view of things.

1.     Where are you from originally?

I'm originally from Stockton, Ca.

2.     What brought you to San Diego?

 Mainly to pursue music, and continue my education and leave the nest ( as in home.)

3.     Who inspires you instrumentally, lyrically, and in life in general?

Instrumentally would have to be john mayer, james taylor, David Ryan Harris, George Benson, Wes Montgomery, Prince, Stevie Wonder but it can go on but those are essential. As for lyrically James Morrison, Amos Lee, Bob Marley, again John Mayer, Tupac, Allen Stone, and some. And In life in general not only does he inspire me in the two previous categories extremely but his outlook and his total message in his music which I think is embodying the emotion of love entirely. Is Jason Mraz, and I feel the same way about Michael Jackson. Although those are just artists that at an instant can jog my creativity and inspiration, but mainly when it comes to general life inspiration I'm completely inspired about our total being, as in what makes us tick, what makes this world, and what makes you or I coexist with everything and everyone around us. 

4.     How long have you been performing?

 I have been performing since about the age 9.

5.     Describe your first REAL performance. (what I mean is one in front of a crowd of strangers, on a stage, not your parents lol)

 My first performance for singing was when I was in 5th grade and my elementary school had their 1st annual carnival and my teachers knew I like to sing so they asked me if i'd like to perform and so I did, it was a completely rad and gratifying feeling afterwards.

6.     How would you describe your music style?

Its hard to explain myself but overall I feel as if its just soothing, calm, heartfelt and my main goal is to establish some type of emotional connection.

7.     Where do you see your music in 5-10 years from now?

 In 5-10 years I see myself still learning myself musically and diligently pursuing a music career wherever it may have gratefully placed me by then.

8.     What made you start making music?

It was place of expressing emotion or an event in life in an unique and self creative light. I was able to place the stories on my own and that was had my interest peaked,

9.     How have you progressed from your first song to now?

 I feel as if my mind has gradually been opened up little by little since then. I can put things of importance in my music to better perspectives such as the words I may select and how the story unfolds in a way that can relate better to whoever listens, and as far as my musicianship I have gained a slightly better understanding of how I can combine those selected words with a chord that speaks the words same language.

10.  Is there anything that you want to say to your fans and any new to you people?

All I can really say is Thanks for the support up until this point, and I hope you enjoy whats being shared & its totally a rad feeling to know that music can bring people together in a positive light, and once more I'm in complete thanks for the all around support.

Next on the mic (so to speak) we have the amazing Lexi Pulido. She also performed for us at this “show after the show” and wow, has she got some vocals! This young woman can hold her own with any of the so called “female vocalists” that are out today. She’s got an Adele type quality that I can only see getting better as she grows as an artist. To put it bluntly, her voice is on the verge of being timeless. I know those are strong words for someone so young, but when a voice allows you to hear colors and feel sound, you just know it’s something special. Mind you I’ve only heard her sing one song live (and I can’t wait to see more live performances) but that one was enough to know that her star is not one that will be going out anytime soon. I did not get a chance to record any of her performance because my phone was dead but I have a few songs from her YouTube channel that really show off her AWESOMENISITY.

See what I mean? She is so powerful and commanding but can turn it around and be so soothing at the drop of a hat. I love how versatile she is. I tell you what, I generally think that we are doomed because of our youth but these two are restoring my faith in humanity. ! I asked her the same questions I asked Kylleand here are the very interesting responses I got...

1.     Where are you from originally?

 Well, for most of my life, I've been a military dependent, but let's just say parts of me are scattered throughout California, and a decent chunk came from Manassas, Virginia.

2.     What brought you to San Diego? (if your not from here originally)

 A series of unfortunate events that cause my father to retire from the air force and return here which is his hometown.

3.     Who inspires you instrumentally, lyrically, and in life in general?

In terms of musical catalysts for aspirations and growth, Matthew Santos, Brett Dennen, Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell duo, Esperanza Spalding, Amy Winehouse, anyone with a decent rendition of a jazz standard, and the Italian pop-opera boy band, Il Volo, (just because they push me to expand my vocal horizons) all play pretty major roles in guiding my direction. Lyrically, I'm very much so influenced by my age and gender. In other words, I write a lot of songs about/attacking insecurities and boys. Oh, and in life, I have a ton of respect for the lives of Mother Teresa and the author of The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne. 

4.     How long have you been performing?

 I've been performing since I was about 5 in churches and musical theater, but I didn't start showcasing solo music until the end of my sophomore  year of high school.

5.     Describe your first REAL performance. (what I mean is one in front of a crowd of strangers, on a stage, not your parents lol)

My first real performance in solo music was at my school's coffeehouse show in 10th grade. I kept shaking my friend backstage because I was so nervous, and I felt terrible afterwards because I had sped up so much during the bridge. I guess I just felt vulnerable since it was my first time letting anyone hear something I had written, but the feedback I received was reassuring. I had about a quarter of the audience(which I'm guessing, in total, was around 70-80 people, but I'm terrible at estimating) come up to me and tell me things like, "I seriously started crying by the end of the second verse," and "You need to pursue this," and it all just made me realize how blessed I am to have the ability to make these connections through music and how much I never want to let it go.

6.     How would you describe your music style?

 I feel like I'm still in the process of developing my style, but I'm aiming to incorporate my jazz-vocal tone and keep it relatively upbeat or at least funky.

7.     Where do you see your music in 5-10 years from now?

 It's foggy on the windshield of my life-road car, but I'm always singing on road trips. :)

8.     What made you start making music?

 When I was a kid, I was more of a sports-oriented tomboy, but that all shifted gears (yes, more driving metaphors) near the end of 3rd grade when I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia. The sickness kept me pretty limited physically, so my mother decided to put me in piano lessons. At about the age of 12, I began developing my emotions and finally bringing together the 3 P's (pen, paper, piano), and it all took off as a means of expression from there.

9.     How have you progressed from your first song to now?

Oh boy. To me, that's like asking, "What's the difference between subtraction and integration?" I mean, there's been so much trial and error in discovering myself throughout middle and high school, and my songs are basically a reflection of that.

10.  Is there anything that you want to say to your fans and any new to you people?

 I appreciate anyone who gives me their time to listen! I just hope it makes you feel good, or you just get something positive out of it.

Well there you go, 2 young and ridiculously talented people. Kylle and Lexi have bright futures and are sure to please your ears and soul. Check them out today because you won’t be disappointed! So until next time HAPPY LISTENING!!!

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


...Just because they're awesome together....