Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Laura Dowding.....the KICKSTARTER

Hey Everyone,

Remember last week when I told you that I would be giving you info on Laura Dowding's KICKSTARTER? Well here it is straight from her mouth to your ears! Please check it out and lets help her her reach her goal!

 Dear Friends,

I am FINALLY at the tail end of my album!!!!!! HOORAY!!!! But I need your help to finish it!! 

We are launching a fundraiser on September 24th at Kickstarter.com to raise money to finish my album and to make a music video, launching the start of my career!!!!

Many people have worked long hours making this album greater than I could have ever imagined. I would venture to say that over 700 hours have been dedicated to making this an album that you are really going to love. However there are just two more things that we need to make happen that are really crucial to my career taking off. 

I have poured my heart and soul into this album, working for days straight to get it to the level of professionalism that I think it deserves. The average album cost about $200,000 dollars to make. I have been blessed with the opportunity to know many selfless, immensely talented people in the time I have lived in California, and with their help, this album has cost less than $1000 dollars to this point, while still maintaining the same high quality professional sound of any other album being put out. I have tried my very hardest to play as many of the roles for the album as possible, such as audio engineer, arranger, producer, contractor and many more not including being the artist! That being said, I am not equipped with the knowledge it takes to mix and master an album. The album is completely finished except for this part. I need $5000 dollars to finish this album so it is can be at the competitive level of any album out in the music industry. 

The next step after the album is complete, is to use my resources to market the album. Many people in the music industry have taken different avenues to promote the release of their album, and my best resource, having worked and lived in Los Angeles, is the film industry. The second part of the fundraising is to raise $5000 dollars to make an extremely high quality, professional music video to draw attention to the album. The song we have chosen to do a music video for is a song called “Chasing Bombs” about a friend of mine who has served one tour of duty in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. If we raise the money we are hoping to release the video for Veteran’s Day, to honor all soldiers, past present and future. 

I am asking that everyone who receives a letter from me donates as close to $50 dollars as possible. The reason for the $50 mark is that if everyone who receives a letter can raise $50 dollars to donate, I will reach my goal!! That can look like anything you want, whether that means rallying your friends and family to help out and pool the $50 together, or if you have the means to do so on your own. Of course, every penny counts, and you can absolutely feel free to donate as much or as little as you feel like you can. (and if you can’t donate, or don’t want to, I still love you ). There are different levels of prizes for the different amounts donated, the higher the donation the bigger the reward. I think one of the best rewards we are offering is for a donation of $35 dollars, we will implement a picture in the video of a loved one, or someone you know who has served or is serving. We really want to respect and honor every soldier this Veteran’s Day, and we want to represent as many of them  as possible. 

Please consider donating even $5 dollars, especially if you plan on buying the album anyway. 

The other way you could help is by spreading the word. If you know people who you think would be interested in helping PLEASE forward them this letter. And Please let me know if I can reach out to anyone you think would be interested. 

This fundraiser is really going to make the difference in the start of my career. My music is all about speaking out for issues and being a voice for people. I can’t think of any better way with the election and Veteran’s Day right around the corner than to speak out about the respect and honor and recognition our troops deserve. I can’t send you the song just yet, because we need to finish the album, but I thought if I sent you the lyrics to the song, it might help you get an idea of what the video might look like, what the album might look like and what my music is all about. 


You can find additional information about the breakdown of the money on kickstarter, and if you have any questions about the fundraiser please email me at laura@lauradowding.com

All my love,


(Kickstarter doesn't take funds from your account until October 24th at the end of the Kickstarter)

There you go guys, again thank you for all your support in advance, and until we meet again STAY COOL!

Editor in Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Chasing Bombs" The Laura Dowding Interview

So lately I have had opportunities to listen to a lot "Opening Acts" and find that these artists are so much more than "throw away" artists. They command the stage and demand attention from all of us "unaware" concert goers. Laura Dowding is one of these artists. She was the opening act a few months back at the Thomas Nicholas and Jared Lee show at La CAVE in Costa Mesa, and I have been keeping tabs on her since.

 Laura's sound is a delightful mixture of Ingrid Michaelson, Billy Joel, and Sara Bareilles, with lyrical content that will not only have you tapping your feet but will pull at your heart strings. With songs like "Chasing Bombs" and the hauntingly beautiful "Carousel" she shows off her musical abilities with sweet melodies and great highs and lows that will send chills through you. When I first heard Laura I was immediately drawn in by the way she writes. What I mean is that she writes from the heart about personal experiences that EVERYONE has. She manages to make each of the songs relatable in ways that make each song feel like they were handpicked for each person listening. That is a big plus for me because I am not a gangster who does drive-bys or a big baller that worries about his rims spinning round and round or a pimp that spends his "cheese". No, I am a regular person with regular issues and an enormous heart and Laura's music speaks to that heart in it's native tongue.

I recently got the chance to interview Laura and get an inside look at her views on music, inspirations and even God. She really speaks her mind and is probably one of the sweetest people I have gotten the chance to talk/type to. Go ahead and check it out below....after you listen to some of her sweet jams...

1. When did you fall in love with music?

 Haha, at what month do babies grow ears! My mother was a concert accompanist and she played shows very often during her pregnancy with me. I've been in love with music since before I can remember.

2. How would you describe your sound in 10 words or less?

 Yikes! 10 words or less! That's hard! I'd say "a unique blend of all my influences, plus me :)"

3. How did you get started playing music?

My mom was a piano teacher when I was little, and is now a music teacher for Middle and High School. When I was 4 she said she wouldn't teach me piano until I was at least 5 (probably because I was a wiggly worm :). So I attempted to teach myself until she caved, haha! I've been playing and singing ever since!

4. Who are your top five musical influences?

Top 5, ok. I'd have to say, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Dave Barnes, and Norah Jones.

5. Can you take me through your songwriting process?

I'd say process is a relative term, haha. I mean, it's not like I do a, b and then c in that order every time, but there is definitely an element of organization. This sounds kind of hippyish, but I would say that the songs usually write themselves. Most of the time, my songs come from an emotion that I am experiencing so heavily that I have to sit and write about it, whether that be anger, or deep sadness, or pure joy. I feel like my knowledge of music is what allows me to write a "sad" chord or a "happy" chord or a "sexy" chord, and the fact that I would consider myself a very empathetic person (to a fault :/) is what allows me to identify such deep emotion that I might not necessarily be going through first hand.

6. If you could work with ANY 5 artists from the past or present and any producer to make the album of a lifetime, who would they be and why?

 Oh wow, that would be so fun! I would have loved so much to work with Michael Jackson, I think he was a brilliant artist. And who wouldn't have wanted The Beatles on their album given the chance. Legendary. I still have hopes of collaborating with Dave Barnes who is one of my favorite artists of our generation, and of course the incredible Billy Joel. So the dream album would be MJ, The Beatles, Dave, Billy and Norah Jones produced by Lionel Richie. Haha, what a crazy mix! That album would be epic!

7. When you write a song what comes first for you, the lyrics or the music?

Oh man, it totally depends. Sometimes I'll have moments at the piano, where I play one chord, and it's like "Whoa, that needs to be a song", and I'll just sit there and play a chord structure over and over until it evokes some kind of emotion that forms into lyrics. Other times I'll be having a conversation with someone, and one of us will say a sentence that I think "dang, that would make a great song lyric". Needless to say, I go write immediately after our conversation is over (or in the middle of it, haha, sorry friends). I remember talking with my friend about his decision to go back to Afghanistan and I said "OK, just go Chase Bombs" and immediately thought, “that's going to be a song”. I then wrote the song "Chasing Bombs" in an hour after he left!

8. Where do you want to see your music in the years to come?

I really think that my music is just a piece of such a bigger picture. I really aspire to change the world, as corny as that may sound. My music is about real issues, and the goal is to arouse a response to those issues, so that we can start a dialogue as a society about how to change them. I would love to tour as often as possible, and to hear my music on any number of television shows, and movies, and do some music videos to tell the stories, but I would also love to see it put me in a place where I can implement motivational speaking into shows about whats beautiful, and how we can change the world.

9. Are there any pre/post show rituals that are a "must-do" before/after your performances?

 PRAY. I love to entertain, but I definitely need some outside help with the nerves that come with that, haha! I owe all my accomplishments to God. I think that he has poured abundant blessings into my life, and I feel honored to accept the responsibility that comes with them of making the world a better place.

10. What would you have done if you couldn't physically sing anymore?

I actually think about that often. And pray that never happens! I would probably pursue a serious jazz piano career. I am a huge advocate for using the gifts you've been given no matter what that looks like. Music is a beautiful art form that I think can be expressed in a million different ways.

11.  When we spoke there was talks of a new album, when do you think we might be expecting that?

Wellll.... SOON! I'm not quite ready to announce a release date, but I'm hoping for sure before November, so Stay Tuned!!!

12. Are there any singles that you are particularly proud of?

YES! Haha, I am so proud of this project, so many talented people have come together to make it better than I could have ever hoped. I think there's something for everyone on this album that will hopefully speak to wherever you are in life right now. I personally love "Leaving Now" and "Let me Know". They we’re a lot of fun to record! But I just recorded a duet with singer/songwriter Cameron Hovsepian called "Do You Know" that is currently on repeat! Yep, I listen to myself. It's cool.

13. So new listeners know what they are getting into, would you be able to compare your music to any of the larger artists out today?

Very often I hear that I'm a love child of Norah Jones, Adele, Ingrid Michaelson and myself. haha, not sure how that would work! Sometimes I hear that I sound like Brande Carlile and recently I've been getting some Feist comparison. Generally, people compare the sound of my voice, or the style of my music, but I would venture to say this album has everything from The Beatles, to Feist, to Norah Jones and even some George Michael! I think you'll really love it!

Quick FIRE time!!!

14. What 3 NEW artists are you listening to?

hm, New to me or new to the music scene?! I love Gotye's new releases, and I am in love with Bon Iver. I recently discovered Ted Lucas whom I really dig! I've been rediscovering old loves, like Damien Rice, and Iron and Wine. Yum, so good. :)

15. If you had 1 and only 1 album to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

What?! I can't choose that! I would say that I could have Billy Joel's album The Stranger on repeat for the rest of my life, and I would still die happy :)

16. What song on your upcoming album best describes you as an individual?

I would say "Love Like This" is a really good representation of what I went through while writing and producing this album. It's kind of two-fold, about my relationship with God and my relationship with music. You're asked to make sacrifices and compromises for the things you love most in life. And for both God and music, I tend to think my goodness, this is some kind of crazy love to make the decisions I make. With great risk, comes great reward, that's usually how I make decisions. Sometimes that gets me in trouble, haha. And sometimes, the result is insanely beautiful.

17. What drives you?

Passion and Love. I love what I do, and I have an immense passion for music, and the things I write about. I would say I experience everything heightened to the umpth degree. I mean, not to brag, but I have incredible senses, like I can smell someone baking cookies next door or taste if a cake has almond extract in it. I know, it might be a superpower. Baha, but seriously that's all to say I also think I experience emotions to the extreme, sometimes it causes me to do crazy things. I believe I was created to love, and I think music is one of my best outlets to do that to the fullest. I think it is a great way to connect with people on a very personal level. I have heard people say over and over, “this song got me through a break up” or “I danced to this at my wedding” or “this was my dad’s favorite song”. Music has a unique way of connecting people on all different levels, and creating memories that stick. I bet there are songs that as soon as you hear that intro it brings you back to middle school, or the day you broke up with the love of your life. I want to be there for people, and them to feel loved and supported through my music.
I am driven by a broken society, and the brokeness we feel as humans. I think there is redemption, and restoration for everything, and those glimmers of hope are what gives me the passion I have to change the world through music.

18. What is it about music that sets you free?

Well, everything!! If you are any kind of artist, you know the release you feel most when you can express yourself through your art. It’s like an intensely personalized therapy. My whole family is artistic and it inspires me so much! It's not unlikely that tears well up when I watch my youngest brother play the cello, or my older two brothers create film and dance or see my mom teach. Ugh, it's so powerful! I feel like I know them better the more and more I see them create and express themselves. It’s really beautiful, and I think people feel like they relate best to someone’s music whose emotions they can see and feel through an album.

19. What 3 songs from ANY genre do you wish you could have written?

 Ok, this one I can do! I alwaysss wish I had written Man in the Mirror that Michael Jackson sings, I think it is brilliantly written, especially when he says make a change, and the key changes, BAH genius! Well done Michael and friends! My songwriting is very heavily influenced by Billy Joel's songwriting, and I wish I had written all of those wonderful songs, particularly Piano Man, and She's Always A Woman to Me. ANDDD, this is so random but I love more than anything the song Faith by George Michael. I know, it's so random, but I always crank it when it's on the radio, and dance around in my car, inevitably getting strange looks from other drivers, haha. But you can't not dance to that song!! It just makes me smile!

20. Do you have any words of wisdom for your fans and followers?

 Have passion, and do what you love. I knew a girl in college who wanted nothing more than to be a librarian and I thought that was the most beautiful thing ever. I am such a firm believer that if you want to be a librarian, that is so awesome and you should do everything in your power to be a librarian and if you want to be a singer or a gymnast or anything than you should do that and nothing should stop you! One of my favorite quotes is from the movie Sister Act 2, and Whoopie Goldberg says to Lauren Hill ““If you wake up in the morning, and you can’t think of anything but singing, then you should be a singer, girl”. I love that!
My parents have always told me I can be anything I want, and I think that is the best advice anyone can give to a child. I seriously believe there is a road to every dream. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have thorns all over it, or rocks, or sand and even huge giant trees in it, but the path to your dreams is the one you create. There’s no one right way. Have passion, and be a dreamer.

I am launching a Kickstarter on September 20th to fundraise the rest of the money I need to finish my album and to make a music video that honors soldiers to be released for Veteran’s Day. If you are interested in this album, and the music video, please go to the Kickstarter page when it is launched, read more about it, and consider supporting the start of my career!!

That wraps up this edition of The Penguin Gazette featuring the wonderful Laura Dowding. I really hope you guys take the time to really check her out and support her dream! Like she said above Laura has a Kickstarter that she will be launching soon and when she does I will be posting the link here in a special blurb so if you want to help her out (which I hope you do) you can help make a difference in her musical journey.

Until next time I wish you well!

Editor in Chief of The Penguin Gazette,