Saturday, June 25, 2011

The “G” word...PSST.. the “G” stands for GAY

The “G” word...PSST.. the “G” stands for GAY

   Why is it that when we don’t agree with something we call it “gay”? Gay is a word that commonly refers to a male or female whose sexual orientation is attraction to persons of the same sex. It was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy (brought to you by Wikipedia, ), but now, unfortunately, the majority of people use the word to describe something that they hate. I for one don’t think it’s OK to classify everything that is bad as “gay”. It’s actually really offensive.
                Working in the construction field I hear it all the time, if you like something that is a little less macho than the other Neanderthal you’re working with you are automatically called “gay”, “queer” or a “fagot”. I’m not real keen on being called a bundle of sticks (the actual definition for fagot), nor am I real peculiar (the meaning of the word “queer”), a little weird maybe but not queer. The odd thing is that most of the guys in the construction profession say a lot of conflicting things. One minute you are being called gay for not being “man enough”, while the next minute that same individual will try to hump you from behind, tell you to “suck my dick”, or poke you with a tape measure in the butt. I have a feeling that if a closeted homosexual wanted to hide out in the open all he/she would have to do is play along so to speak.

                I used to be one of these “Neanderthals” years ago. I used to call people and things gay all the time too because I didn’t care if it was offensive to the gay community. As a matter of fact I didn’t even care that there was a “gay community” let alone know how many people that I knew and dealt with on a regular basis were a part of it. I was completely oblivious. Let me apologize wholeheartedly for that. I have come to realize how offensive the use of the word in a malicious tone can be. As I said I had no idea how many people or who for that matter were gay in my life then, nor did I know who and how many would be in my current life. Most of whom I regard as family or actually ARE family, and saying or doing things to hurt them is the last thing I’d ever want to do.  This is a big part of why I don’t say these things anymore. To me it is as offensive as calling someone a racial slur.

                I know that some of you might think that I’m going a bit far with that last comment, but I really don’t think so. What is “racism”? Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. While homosexuals may not be a “race” they are made up of many different races. The gay community is a large group of people that get slandered on a regular basis. They get assaulted because of their beliefs, called names because they are different (and we all know how bad being different is), and they get denied rights that everyone should have and NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE AWAY!!!! I’m talking about marriage, and the use of the bible to either be for or against it. A lot of people use the tired excuse of “the bible says it’s a sin. Let me shoot you a few verses from the bible concerning homosexuality.  

Please note that I will be using a website I found that contains some Bible verses as well as some personal insight for the following few paragraphs. All the credit for what is written except for what's in the (RRF)’s should go to  Here is the site address so you can read it……and you really should….very, very interesting… . So here we go.

“Most people have not carefully and prayerfully researched the biblical texts often used to condemn God's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children.

As you may know, biblical ignorance is an epidemic in the United States. A recent study quoted by Dr. Peter Gomes in The Good Book found that 38 percent of Americans polled were certain the Old Testament was written a few years after Jesus' death. Ten percent believed Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. Many even thought the epistles were the wives of the apostles.

This same kind of biblical ignorance is all too present around the topic of homosexuality. Often people who love and trust God's Word have never given careful and prayerful attention to what the Bible does or doesn't say about homosexuality.
For example, many Christians don't know that:
  • Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior.
  • The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality.
  • Only six or seven of the Bible's one million verses refer to same-sex behavior in any way -- and none of these verses refer to homosexual orientation as it's understood today.
Most people who are certain they know what the Bible says about homosexuality don't know where the verses that reference same-sex behavior can be found. They haven't read them, let alone studied them carefully. They don't know the original meaning of the words in Hebrew or Greek. And they haven't tried to understand the historical context in which those words were written. Yet the assumption that the Bible condemns homosexuality is passed down from generation to generation with very little personal study or research. The consequences of this misinformation are disastrous, not only for God's gay and lesbian children, but for the entire church.

Historically, people's misinterpretation of the Bible has left a trail of suffering, bloodshed, and death.
Over the centuries people who misunderstood or misinterpreted the Bible have done terrible things. The Bible has been misused to defend bloody crusades and tragic inquisitions; to support slavery, apartheid, and segregation; to persecute Jews and other non-Christian people of faith; to support Hitler's Third Reich and the Holocaust; to oppose medical science; to condemn interracial marriage; to execute women as witches; and to support the Ku Klux Klan. Shakespeare said it this way: "Even the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."

We'd like to believe that no person of good will would misuse the Bible to support his or her prejudice. But time and time again it has happened with tragic results.

In the 16th century, John Selden pointed at two Latin words carved into a marble wall in an ancient church in Rome: "Scrutamini Scripturas," which means search the Scriptures. "These two words," Selden said, "have undone the world."

In one way, John Selden was right. Misusing the Bible has drenched the planet in blood and tears.
But in another way, he was wrong. Most people who misuse the Bible DON'T search the Scriptures. They simply find a text that seems to support their prejudice and then spend the rest of their lives quoting (or misquoting) that text.

The way certain Bible verses are used to condemn homosexuality and homosexuals is a perfect example of this.

On September 22, 2000, a 55-year-old man named Ronald E. Gay, angry for being teased about his last name, entered the Back Street Café in Roanoke, Virginia, a gathering place for lesbians and gays just a few miles from Lynchburg. Confident that God's Word supported his tragic plan of action, Mr. Gay shouted, "I am a Christian soldier, working for my Lord." Claiming that "Jesus does not want these people in his heaven," he shot seven innocent gay and lesbian people. One man, Danny Overstreet, died instantly. Others still suffer from their physical and psychological wounds.

Matson and Mowder
In July 1999, Matthew Williams and his brother, Tyler, murdered a gay couple, Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder, in their home near Sacramento, California. Speaking to his mother from the Shasta County jail, Matthew explained his actions in this way: "I had to obey God's law rather than man's law," he said. "I didn't want to do this. I felt I was supposed to. I have followed a higher law... I just plan to defend myself from the Scriptures."

After Matthew Shepard was killed in 1998, a pastor in North Carolina published an open letter regarding the trial of Aaron McKinney that read: "Gays are under the death penalty. His blood is guilty before God (Lev. 20:13). If a person kills a gay, the Gay's blood is upon the gay and not upon the hands of the person doing the killing. The acts of gays are so abominable to God. His Word is there and we can't change it."

Most of the people I know who say "the Bible condemns homosexuality" would never condone these acts. Most Christians have no idea that the people killing gay and lesbian persons go around quoting those few verses of Scripture as justification.

But it's important to hear these stories, because I'm not writing this little pamphlet as a scholarly exercise. It's a matter of life and death. I'm pleading for the lives of my lesbian sisters and gay brothers who are rejected by their friends and families, fired by their employers, denied their civil rights, refused full membership in their churches, and kill themselves or are killed by others -- all on the basis of these six or seven verses.

The Bible is a book about God -- not a book about human sexuality.

The Bible is the story of God's love for the world and the people of the world. It tells the history of God's love at work rescuing, renewing, and empowering humankind. It was never intended to be a book about human sexuality. Certainly, you will agree.

In fact, the Bible accepts sexual practices that we condemn and condemns sexual practices that we accept. Lots of them! Here are a few examples.
  • DEUTERONOMY 22:13-21
    If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately. (Let’s be honest a good majority of married women would be stoned out of their mind!!!! RRF)
    If a married person has sex with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death.
  • MARK 10:1-12
    Divorce is strictly forbidden in both Testaments, as is remarriage of anyone who has been divorced. (I know a lot of those. Unfortunately it happens but should they be considered evil or sinful? RRF)
  • LEVITICUS 18:19
    The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed. 
  • MARK 12:18-27
    If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir. (I told one of my co-workers about this and he 100% agreed. Really???????? I guess that goes back to my whole “Neanderthal” section above…….REALLY???????? RRF)
  • DEUTERONOMY 25:11-12
    If a man gets into a fight with another man and his wife seeks to rescue her husband by grabbing the enemy's genitals, her hand shall be cut off and no pity shall be shown her. (All she wanted to do was help a brother out LOL. RRF)
I'm certain you don't agree with these teachings from the Bible about sex. And you shouldn't. The list goes on: The Bible says clearly that sex with a prostitute is acceptable for the husband but not for the wife. Polygamy (more than one wife) is acceptable, as is a king's having many concubines. Solomon, the wisest king of all, had 1,000 concubines. Slavery and sex with slaves, marriage of girls aged 11-13, and treatment of women as property are all accepted practices in the Scriptures. On the other hand, there are strict prohibitions against interracial marriage, birth control, discussing or even naming a sexual organ, and seeing one's parents nude. 

Over the centuries the Holy Spirit has taught us that certain Bible verses should not be understood as God's law for all time periods. Some verses are specific to the culture and time they were written, and are no longer viewed as appropriate, wise, or just.

Often, the Holy Spirit uses science to teach us why those ancient words no longer apply to our modern times. During the last three decades, for example, organizations representing 1.5 million U.S. health professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and educators) have stated definitively that homosexual orientation is as natural as heterosexual orientation, that sexual orientation is determined by a combination of yet unknown pre- and post-natal influences, and that it is dangerous and inappropriate to tell a homosexual that he or she could or should attempt to change his or her sexual orientation. (See Recommended Resources, p. 23-24.)

While there are some people now living in heterosexual marriages who once perceived themselves to be gay, there are millions of gay and lesbian persons who have accepted their sexual orientation as a gift from God and live productive and deeply spiritual lives. The evidence from science and from the personal experience of gay and lesbian Christians demands that we at least consider whether the passages cited to condemn homosexual behavior should be reconsidered, just as other Bible verses that speak of certain sexual practices are no longer understood as God's law for us in this day.
(Some people use the reasoning that “it’s not natural. RRF) Now what does the creation story say about homosexuality? Because the text says it is "natural" that a man and a woman come together to create a new life, some people think this means gay or lesbian couples are "unnatural." They read this interpretation into the text, even though the text is silent about all kinds of relationships that don't lead to having children:
  • couples who are unable to have children
  • couples who are too old to have children
  • couples who choose not to have children 
  • people who are single
Are these relationships (or lack of relationships) "unnatural"? There's nothing said here that condemns or approves the love that people of the same sex have for each other.

So I believe the creation story says a lot about God's power and presence in the universe -- but nothing about homosexuality as we understand it today.”
   OK that is enough of me quoting the site. I really, REALLY think you should read the rest because it has so much to say that everyone should know. I’m not saying that you should automatically agree with everything (that’s kind of what got us into this mess) but some of the things here really make a lot of sense. If you read the site you will see that the writer has done some extensive research on the topic of sexuality as it pertains to the bible.

            I am a huge advocate for gay marriage, and I truly think that you should be able to marry whoever you feel. It shouldn’t matter if your significant other is of the same sex, all that matters is that you love with your whole heart whomever you decide to be with. I’m going to use a phrase that a friend said once…"If you have a problem with gay marriage… DON’T MARRY A GAY PERSON!!!”. To me that pretty much sums everything up, don’t you think? Why then do so many people have such a big problem with it? If it’s not harming anyone then what the hell is the big deal? It’s not like they’re getting married then going to a baby kicking contest afterwards. I know it’s a bit more serious than that for some people though. Some people are so against gay marriage that they fight night and day to ruin the chance for people they don’t know and probably will never meet to get married.

Bottom line is this, there is always going to be one group of people that will do what they can to persecute another group. It has been happening for years and probably will go on until the end of time. Much like people have throughout time though, we have to keep on pushing. You have to keep fighting to get your views heard. I am actually extending that to both sides of every argument. You need pros and cons and as long as no one is bringing violence to the table, debates can be a healthy and constructive part of life. Some things shouldn’t be debatable though, like people’s happiness and the right to love who you wish. So before you go around telling people that they are going straight to Hell and not collecting their $200, try to put yourself in their shoes and think “What if this was me, would I really want someone who doesn’t know what it’s like to decide whether or not I can be happy?”  Hopefully it’ll change your view a little bit.

Well with that I will wish you all good things, big love and happiness. I am sorry that this one had a lot of cut and paste happening from another site, but I thought that the site had so many good points and there are still a lot more there. So please go and read them. You should also check out the NOH8 Campaign and the Trevor Project if you haven’t already! As always please do your own research and come up with your own decisions. BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER!!! Be good to one another. Until next time everyone.

-Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


P.S. I'd love to hear what you think about this topic. Please post your comments below.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So today I am going to be talking about culture ...well mostly about those of us out there that have none.  I have noticed lately that our society as a whole is lacking culture severely. Yes i know that we do have extensive programs that deal with art, music, food etc., but apparently not everyone has gotten their invite to the party.  What i mean is that there is a very big group of people that either can’t or won’t  venture out of there and try new things and it shows. I’m not talking about people who live in third world countries, they make up the “can’t” because of their lack of means.  Which is why i applaud the people who take the time to go overseas and help build the schools and feed not only the stomachs, but the minds and souls of these unfortunate individuals. By the way I am in no way saying that third world countries are culture less, I’m  just saying that they might not have a way to experience other cultures.

                No, the type of people I’m talking about, the “won’ts” as it were,  are the close minded people that see everything that doesn’t interest/apply to them as completely wrong and or “gay” (which is a word that needs to stop being used in a negative way, but that's another blog), and no I’m not necessarily talking about the “redneck” set...although....yeah i get  were you’re going with this. No unfortunately every ethnicity has these people. These are the type of people that see someone trying to better themselves and scoff at them for doing so.  They are the type that will try to make fun of someone for caring about foreign affairs so much that they donate to good causes, and someone who cares about dance so much that a well choreographed one (So You Think You Can Dance’s Gravity by Sara Bareilles ...shut up...I’m sensitive) can bring a man to tears. They are the type of people that will go to a 5 star restaurant wearing shorts, flip-flops, and a tank, and top then have the nerve to get pissed when they get turned away at the door.

They don’t understand that culture is more than what popular T.V. tells them it is. It’s so much more than whats in your little circle of friends. It’s the experience of other things such as different ways of life, cuisines (that's right people McDonald’s is not culture its just fat),  Ours is not the only way of life out there. If people would just try new things they really might enjoy them. When i was younger i never thought i would like half of the things I LOVE now. I never thought I would like jazz, country, rock, hip-hop and classical. Nor did i ever imagine dance and theatre would play such a big part of my life (my wife and i go to as many live performances as we can afford, and  we love it). The world has so much to offer, so take a step outside your box and and explore everything around you. Try new foods, listen to new music and meet new people.  You’re bound to like something!

Being “culture shocked” doesn’t just deal with things like the arts or food, it also has to deal with people in general. Different races and religions play a big part in everyday culture. I was watching an episode of “What Would You Do?” on ABC the other day when they had a segment on racism. If any of you have watched this show you pretty much know the formula....they show you some of the worst case scenarios and allow passer bys to make a decision whether or not they will intervene, and you watch the people’s true colors show.  The story was based around a Muslim woman in Texas and how a store owner was dealing with her. Well needless to say it didn't go so well. Half of the people agreed with the clerk calling the woman names (the types of which i refuse to use/type because that's not me), and refusing to serve her, telling her that she wasn’t “dressed like an american”.

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? “Not dressed like an American?”....this is the type of crap that goes on all the time. If someone looks different or the news gives a one sided story about things that are happening overseas, we get that stigma. We ALL have had at least one thought like this, right or wrong....most times wrong. Stereotypes, unfortunately happen to be a big part of our “culture”. It goes all the way back to the Europeans and the Native Americans (not Indians because they are from India). The Europeans came to this land, and pretty much demolished whole groups of indigenous people because they did not understand their way of life, their language and their culture. They (Europeans) tried to enforce their culture, and religion over that of the Natives because they thought what they believed in was wrong. This is also the same type of thing that happened and still happens with Whites and Blacks, Mexicans, Blacks and Whites, and most recently “Americans”  and anyone that happens to resemble Middle Eastern cultures (because we are too dumb to try and actually separate them by where they are from). If I forgot any you, I apologize for not adding you to the racial pot.

Now for every person that thought the clerk was in the right (and unfortunately everyone is entitled to their opinions) there was at least 2 or 3 that disagreed with him and stuck up for the woman that was being discriminated against. So much so that complete strangers were ready to stop coming to this store that they have been going to for years just to show how much they disagreed with the blatant lack of respect for another person’s culture....hell the blatant lack of respect for another PERSON. This moved me, so deeply in fact that it caused me to write this blog. I love it when people stand up for others. It kinda renews my faith in reality (corny i know but its true). There was a man on the show who’s son had just come home from our “war on terror” (or as i call it “The Oil Wars”), who stood up for this woman with all he had. It pretty much broke him down to tears.  When the show was all said and done they showed the Vet’s father hugging the Muslim woman (an actress) and apologizing for all the unwarranted comments that the clerk and any others might have said to her.

By this point i was all but in tears myself. If someone who’s life was so engulfed in this current situation ( via his child) can respect and almost seem to genuinely feel for not only a stranger but someone who's people we are told we are at war with, why can’t we? Those of us that have no personal ties to this war and still treat people from that culture with malice and hatred don’t have a pot to piss in. Like i said everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but if you have no reason other than what the “news” tells you or because its the flavor of the month, then you should probably just keep your thoughts to yourself. Myself, being a Navy brat as it were(both my mother and father with about 20 plus years a piece) think about it like this....YOU CAN’T GO AROUND JUDGING CULTURES YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!  JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT DOES NOT MAKE IT WRONG OR EVIL!!!!! Last but not least...... STOP LISTENING TO THE NEWS AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!! The news now a days only gives you one side of every story. It usually pumps up “our” side and forgets to tell you that not everyone is as bad as the one’s committing the acts of hate that have put us in the state that we are in today. This is why I tend to take everyone on an individual basis, and I let them decide who they are going to be by how they act, and what they say.

This is also what I mean when i say do your own research. Take some time to learn about another culture before you start to bash a whole group of people based on a few “bad apples” so to speak. You’ll probably learn that every culture/religion/people have their fanatics, loony tunes, zealots, and “martyrs”.  With that being said you also have your hard workers, good mothers that work day and night, fathers that give everything for their families, and people that do a lot of very charitable and great things for other people.  So take everything into consideration and make an informed decision...let me rephrase that...make YOUR OWN decision about people/religions/ cultures and don’t let big brother (news, friends, media in general) do it for you!

Well I think that pretty much wraps this edition of The Penguin Gazette. I hope that i gave you some things to think about. I hope that I may have been able to open up your eyes (however slightly) to a different view of the world we are in today. Tune in next time same Penguin time, same Penguin channel! As always if you like it subscribe via email and tell some friends!

 -Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


P.S. I'd love to hear what you think about this topic. Comment below.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Entitled Little Bastards and "Takers"

I get so tired of those people that take everything you do for them for granted.  Its like they feel that everything is owed to them simply because they are breathing.  They never want to do anything for anyone else but expect everything to be done for them. Personally..... I think these people need to get the shit slapped out of them!  They need to be told that this spoiled, me, me, me attitude is not going to cut it in the real world, but if it has worked for them then the door mats that have enabled this attitude need to be beaten as well.  I mean seriously people, these entitled little brats must be stopped and it starts with the people that have raised them to believe that acting this way is OK.

Anyone who has known me for a while knows that i used to work in the child care profession for a few years right out of high school (no i didn't look like i do now, believe it or not i was super clean cut w/no piercings and or tattoos, nor did i have the sarcastic demeanor that i have now...but it helped me develop one), and I heard some of the craziest things come out of parents mouths as to why their little monster acts up. For example when my wife was working with the pre-school  program a mother came in with 3 of the 4 kids that she usually has, and when my wife asked her where her 3 year old was , she  said that her child did not want to put shoes on and stayed in the car. When my wife told me this story my brain froze and while my job wouldn’t allow me to speak my mind on that, I was really thinking “SERIOUSLY WOMAN?! This is a child...YOU’RE put the shoes on the kid and make them march where ever you want them to. YOU ARE THE ADULT, RIGHT!!!??? You don't let some little kid dictate what they are going to do. That's how you end up with the spoiled little bastards that people hate because of their behavior.” .

My personal favorite (not really) response for why someone’s kid is acting up is as follows, (and i think those of us that have worked childcare know this one).... ME: “Your child would not listen to a word I said and was basically not having a very productive day.” DUMB PARENT: “Oh, my child is just a free spirit, and we don’t normally put too much structure and or enforce too many rules because we feel it will stifle our child’s creativity.”  ME: “Oh... I see.” ........which in my head translates to... “So what you are telling me is that you are the laziest parents ever, right? I understand that you don’t want to shut down a kids imagination because soon that is all that we will have left, but come the hell on! Teach your kid the basics of home training! When an adult of authority addresses them (unless they are being extremely rude and disrespectful,because no one deserves that unless you provoke them) you respond accordingly, with the level of respect that you want back IE the golden rule.

You should also teach kids that there are rules that they will eventually have to follow so people will want to socialize with them when they get older.  PARENTS teach you kids some respect, graciousness and humility. Teach them how to care about more than just what benefits them. If they can learn that it will make them a more well rounded person. They will be much happier as a result, because people might actually like them.....and it will keep them from growing into superficial, selfish “adults”. Which leads me to my next topic “TAKERS”.

“Takers” are the adult versions of the entitled little brats above. They are a product of parents that spent too much time trying to be their “best friend” by giving them everything they wanted and never teaching them how to appreciate anything or anyone past the point of getting it. They will take every last drop of kindness that you offer up and then wring out the rest because they think they deserve it....and if you let them....well you remember what i said about door mats a few paragraphs above, right? Yup slapped in the face...RIGHT IN THE FACE! Anyways back to the point....”takers” will do just that, take everything, except your  feelings into consideration, and the moment you stop doing things that benefit them, then and only then will they notice something other than themselves. They will then notice how you stopped giving them what they want, and don’t even dare to scold them about their selfishness because they won’t believe it being that they are “perfect”.

I’ll give you an example... So there is this person my family knows that has been pretty much taking all the responsibility for their granddaughter for many years. When i say taking the responsibility for her, i mean in almost every way imaginable especially financially. This woman (we’ll call her Benni short for Benefactor) forks over 300 a week for this girls, her tuition...that's right she’s in college.... and her plane tickets to and from school. You would think that this girl would be happy and grateful that even though she works and makes her own cash that someone else is willing to foot the bill for a majority of her expenses.... WRONG!!!!!! She complains whenever a payment is missed like she is some kind of damned credit agency!

suRprise, suRprise (the R is added for that Gomer Pile sound) no Goldie, no calls, no texts, no nothing! Now Benni had church that afternoon and Goldie knew that but continued to be unavailable for the majority of the day. Benni had to call someone for a ride to church and shortly after arriving guess who called to say she was home...your “girl” Goldie, with no apology to be heard. When Benni told her how spoiled she was...this chick had the nerve to tell her and I quote “Well its your fault, you made me this way!”. I would probably have backhanded her into next week for that (shit i sound old) little comment.

That is a true “taker” if ever I have seen one. She gets what she needs out of you and then drops you like a fly. Pretty damn ridiculous huh? Well Benni might be winning this battle because as of late, she has told Goldie’s mother (almost forgot she had one because Benni takes care of her) that she will no longer be paying for Goldie’s expenses and that she would have to find her own way home from now on! Sounds pretty promising, but she has been taking care of Goldie for quite some time and who knows what will happen once Goldie tries to put the old sad eyes on Benni. I hope she stays true to her word so Goldie is forced to learn how to do things on her own and hopefully learn a lesson about how to be a little kinder to those people that want to take the time to try and help her, but some people will probably never learn that lesson.

Now I know my views may seem to be old fashioned and harsh but I was brought up with rules and discipline and I’m pretty sure most of you were too and we all turned out OK (I say this with a slight tick as visions of paddles with holes cut in them for speed and waffle effect run through my head. LMFAO)! How hard is it to say please and thank you for what you want and what you are given?  Be gracious, it is an excellent quality in a person.   Imagine if everyone just walked around being completely selfish all the time, there would probably be a lot more people ready to fight everyone as opposed to people willing to help out those less fortunate. You know the old saying “You get more flies with honey then you do by being a douche bag” that not how that saying goes?Oh well it gets the point across lol!

Well i think that's about it for this issue of the gazette.Thank you for reading and pass the word. I’m letting you all know that I am in no way done with this topic, as new things that these people do happen all the time and people will continue to say things to enable the entitled on a daily basis, giving me plenty of material to blog to you fine people about.  So I here by reserve the right to rant and expand on this at a later date. Until then I leave you with these parting words.....PARTING WORDS!!!

-Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


P.S. I'd love to hear what you think about this topic. Comment below.