Saturday, January 5, 2013

25 Ways to Make 2013 AMAZING

Hey EVERYONE out in the internets, interwebs, web-er-nets or whatever you want to call it these days, I have just found something that made my heart sing. Whats this you ask? Did the Grinch grow a heart? Is 2013 the year that the Penguin went....dare I say it?.....SENSITIVE!? Well for the ones that really know me, know that I am more than just AMAZINGLY talented in everything I do and an oh so humble individual (facetiously speaking), they know that I am a very sensitive person....IN PERSON......but what I am about to show you touched me so much that I had to bring that side out and share it with my "inter-friends".

So there is this YouTube channel called SOUL PANCAKE ( Rainn Wilson co-created this site with two of his friends, Joshua Homnick and Devon Gundry) that everyone has to check out with a lot of great videos, but for the purpose of this post I am going to focus solely on one. It stars a very young Black child, probably no older that about 6 or 7 and he is probably one of the best speakers I have ever seen! He portrays a kid president and he has a very important message for everyone about how to make a difference this year by doing some if not all of the 25 things on his list. The young man warmed my heart with his charisma and charm....and well..... the kid is damned cute. That aside his message is that of HOPE...not unlike another Black child that became president.

Instead of a political message that pits parties against each other in grossly overrated, sometimes offensive, and most times disheartening displays of greed, hidden behind the guise of "making a better America", his is a message of spreading love by doing simple things throughout the year. There is such a spark in this young man that I NEEDED to share this with all of you.  Before I go any further watch this video...

I want to say a BIG "THANK YOU" to the people at SOULPANCKE.COM for showcasing this video to millions of viewers. I also want to thank "Kid President" (our "Commander in Osh Gosh") for his timing, wit, and ability to captivate audiences everywhere, and to "Kid President's" parents (the "First Parents" if you will) a special THANK YOU for giving him the support he will need to continue to be a very creative and forward thinking young man. I must admit after working with kids for a few years....and to put it bluntly....LOSING HOPE IN THE FUTURE, it is extremely refreshing to see someone so young have such a GREAT head on his shoulders.

So now that we are ALL on the same page about this kid and how AWESOME he is, I say we all try to do at least 1 of the items on the list. I am doing two from now on, HIGH FIVES and FREE HUGS ALL AROUND!!! What are you planning to do?

Editor in Chief of The Penguin Gazette,

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