Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb's "DmB" Winner

Well COOLBIRDS its that time again where I introduce you to the great artist behind this month's "DmB" (Design my Blog) contest! I swear these logo's get better and better every time and I just keep receiving more and more entries....AND I LOVE EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!!! My Penguins are the BOMB (circa 1995)!!!! Now onto the intro...

This month's logo is a very playful picture showing me getting ketchup'd by a wonderfully bald artist by the name of Frank Jordan of Company Man Comics. This daily updated comic (yeesh, over achiever much? lol!) takes stabs at everything in the headlines including government, by making them easy for even us......hmmmm....we'll say "Politically Challenged" individuals. Here are a couple of to make bigger..REALLY FUNNY STUFF!!! (For a character list click here)

See I told you!!! I recently caught up with Frank via the almighty internets and asked him a few questions. Seeing as how he knows himself better than I do, I think I should let him do the talking. Here we go...

Name: Frank Jordan

Age: 37

Where do you live: Phoenix, AZ

When did you start your comic and what inspired you to do it? 

I started Company Man Comic back in 2000. I haven't drawn a thing in a couple of years prior and my GF at the time got me a sketchbook. She wrote in it that she believed in me and that there's inspiration all around me. One day I was on the bus going to work and the bus stopped at a light. I looked up and had seen three 30 something guys in shirts and ties playing Hackey-Sack. I just wondered what their office life is like. I started roughing out 3 characters from those guys in the sketchbook and that was the start of it all. 

Out of all the comics you've written, which one would you say you're most proud of and which one is your favorite? (please send link) 

I'm proud of this one I did to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. http://companymancomic.
com/stripview.asp?strip=1292  This one I did a 'What if they mated?' kinda thing... I love it!  http://companymancomic.

Where do you see yourself (in relation to your comic life) in 2 and 3/4 years from now? (thats 2 and 3 quarters, gotta be random)

 I see myself being a welcomed guest and panel speaker at San Diego Comic Con. No longer will I have to get a registration like the regular nerds LOL!
What did you think of this contest process and will you tell others about it?

 I thought it was cool and fun! I've already told folks about it.

 What is the last thing you want to be known for saying or doing or both?

I want to be known for giving people that 'Spit your coffee out when you read my strip' reaction and of course, making people laugh.

Lastly, do you have any questions for me? Do you do a webcomic? 

Oh and I guess more lastlier (lol) is there anything else you want to tell my readers, which will probably soon be your readers soon? Check out Company Man Comic! It's updated Monday-Friday and it's more fun than your last team meeting! 

To answer your question Frank, no I don't "webcomic". I draw a lot, but I'm not too thrilled with how scanning my work looks. I need to find a good computer program to use or app for my tablet, until I can find that I will just have to stick with pencil and paper. So what if it's a little "old-fangled" I like it.

Well guys and girls that wraps up another wonderful "DmB" artist interview, PLEASE go check out Frank at Company Man Comics and browse the vast library of funny, witty and extremely clever comics that will delight you all! Follow him on twitter too, its the best way to keep up on his greatness! Frank, my friend, you are and always will be a COOL BIRD 4 LIFE!!!

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,


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