Today I am posting for all my "CLASSY" birds out there. The reason is simple, I got a new logo for the new year!! This months logo is from two guys that I am very happy to know. They have been very loyal followers, but more than that these guys have been mentors and friends to me. It didn't matter if I had a question about gadgets for my blog or if I just wanted to hear what they thought about my latest post, these guys were there with help and encouraging words. They were even one of the first established bloggers to read and follow my little (but growing) blog, and for that I thank them. That's enough of the mushy shit...
Brandon Meyers and Bryan Pedas are the genius' behind A Beer for the Shower. This site has it all, laughs, crazy stories that keep you on your toes, and some of the finest art that MSPaint can offer! Some of my more loyal readers may recognize these guys as I made them my blog of the month for their post about ugly babies. That was one of the first posts I stumbled upon and it had me nodding my head in agreement and slapping my knee from laughter. It was the best first impression I ever got from a blog, and every post since has further reinforced their AWESOMNEISITY and I highly recommend reading all of their posts plus their new book (pick yours up today!!!) I totally plan on buying one as soon as I can scrounge up the 99 cents needed to get this literary masterpiece (maybe one of my readers will buy a copy, get it signed and send it to me....fuck I'm cheap huh).
I recently sent Brandon and Bryan my questionnaire, so that you fine people could better get to know them and their answers were great! Every question was answered with quips and flaming poop! Why don't I just let you read what they wrote? Here you go, my interview with ABftS?
Name (First only necessary add the last only if you want to).
Brandon Meyers and Bryan Pedas
Age (not birthday)
27 and 28
Where you live (just the area not address)
Chicago, IL and Denver, CO
When did you start blogging/writing and what inspired you to do it?
We started this blog with the plans of it being a promotional tool for the novel we'd received an offer from a major publisher for. That fell through, and now it's a web comic outlying our trials and tribulations as writers.
Out of all the blogs you've written, which one would you say you're most proud of and which one is your favorite?
Brandon - I'm going to do a double whammy here and answer "Twilight: Breaking Down" for both.
Bryan - He totally called it.
Where do you see yourself (in relation to your blog/writing life) in 2 and 3/4 years from now? (thats 2 and 3 quarters, gotta be random)
Brandon - By that point, if I keep with the current trend of the last few years, I should have another three novel manuscripts under my belt. Probably one with Bryan and two of my own. Hopefully there will be more money involved in both the blog and books. By that time, I think our web presence will be strong enough that we'll be fielding a lot of interest from multiple media arenas. All I want is a movie check. That's not too much to ask for is it?
Bryan - With movies like The Sitter and Mission Impossible 12: Tom Cruise Fights Osteoporosis cluttering our theaters, I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm sure you can see that both of us are really driven, so yes, I'd say there's success somewhere in there. Whether it's writing, or blogging, or amateur hand modeling, or all of the above, I don't know, but we're breaking through somehow. We can only go up from here.
What did you think of this contest process and will you tell others about it?
I think it's a great contest process, and I'll definitely tell people about it, but it depends on who. For example, if I tell my mom, she'll remind me that being a writer or a blogger isn't a "real job." Or if I tell my neighbor, he'll tell me, "get off my lawn you dirty Mexican" (he's an old white racist). So I guess I should say I'll only tell the people that matter.
What is the last thing you want to be known for saying or doing or both?
Making good books is at the top of the list. Giving people enjoyment. I also envision myself at the age of eighty-five, hobbling to the doorstep of Stephenie Meyer's McMormansion and lighting a bag of dog crap aflame on the stoop.
Lastly, do you have any questions for me?
What the hell does an appendix do, anyway?
(this is what an appendix does)
I told you the answers where great! I don't know if you noticed, but they mentioned their favorite post being their take on the "Twilight" saga (by "saga" I mean endless tales of bullshit), well I have some of that post right here for you here (just enough to get you hooked). Here you go!
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Down
I recently sent Brandon and Bryan my questionnaire, so that you fine people could better get to know them and their answers were great! Every question was answered with quips and flaming poop! Why don't I just let you read what they wrote? Here you go, my interview with ABftS?
Name (First only necessary add the last only if you want to).
Brandon Meyers and Bryan Pedas
Age (not birthday)
27 and 28
Where you live (just the area not address)
Chicago, IL and Denver, CO
When did you start blogging/writing and what inspired you to do it?
We started this blog with the plans of it being a promotional tool for the novel we'd received an offer from a major publisher for. That fell through, and now it's a web comic outlying our trials and tribulations as writers.
Out of all the blogs you've written, which one would you say you're most proud of and which one is your favorite?
Brandon - I'm going to do a double whammy here and answer "Twilight: Breaking Down" for both.
Bryan - He totally called it.
Where do you see yourself (in relation to your blog/writing life) in 2 and 3/4 years from now? (thats 2 and 3 quarters, gotta be random)
Brandon - By that point, if I keep with the current trend of the last few years, I should have another three novel manuscripts under my belt. Probably one with Bryan and two of my own. Hopefully there will be more money involved in both the blog and books. By that time, I think our web presence will be strong enough that we'll be fielding a lot of interest from multiple media arenas. All I want is a movie check. That's not too much to ask for is it?
Bryan - With movies like The Sitter and Mission Impossible 12: Tom Cruise Fights Osteoporosis cluttering our theaters, I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm sure you can see that both of us are really driven, so yes, I'd say there's success somewhere in there. Whether it's writing, or blogging, or amateur hand modeling, or all of the above, I don't know, but we're breaking through somehow. We can only go up from here.
What did you think of this contest process and will you tell others about it?
I think it's a great contest process, and I'll definitely tell people about it, but it depends on who. For example, if I tell my mom, she'll remind me that being a writer or a blogger isn't a "real job." Or if I tell my neighbor, he'll tell me, "get off my lawn you dirty Mexican" (he's an old white racist). So I guess I should say I'll only tell the people that matter.
What is the last thing you want to be known for saying or doing or both?
Making good books is at the top of the list. Giving people enjoyment. I also envision myself at the age of eighty-five, hobbling to the doorstep of Stephenie Meyer's McMormansion and lighting a bag of dog crap aflame on the stoop.
Lastly, do you have any questions for me?
What the hell does an appendix do, anyway?
(this is what an appendix does)
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Click to enlarge...he he he |
Oh and I guess more lastlier (lol) is there anything else you want to tell my readers, which will probably soon be your readers soon?
If you would be so kind, would you buy our cheap-ass yet hilarious novel, The Missing Link, on and leave a review? It's only 99 cents, because we don't care about the money, we just want people to read it. I promise you'll enjoy it. Unless you don't like funny things. Or books. Or puppies. Sorry, no refunds.
I told you the answers where great! I don't know if you noticed, but they mentioned their favorite post being their take on the "Twilight" saga (by "saga" I mean endless tales of bullshit), well I have some of that post right here for you here (just enough to get you hooked). Here you go!
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Down
Like any straight man with good taste, we've never had any desire to read the Twilight series*, but that hasn't stopped us from wanting to know why it's so goddamn popular. And so, we've bitten the bullet and done our homework in an effort to spare anyone we can from having to succumb to this literary abortion. Without further ado, our guide to Twilight, from book one to book four.
There you have it, folks. Twilight in a nutshell. AKA, nonsensically dramatic teenage angst (with a bit of violence toward women and sex with babies) as recollected by a middle-aged Mormon lady. She probably has a lot of cats. At least one for every ten million bucks in the bank. Now, if you'll excuse us, there's a bus coming, and we need to make sure we're standing in front of it.
*(For the record, both of us actually read the first "novel" in the series, forcing ourselves to read this turd for the sole purpose of being able to fully defend our bashing of it. The rest of our research came from passages found directly within the books. And yes, from a writer's standpoint, they're all fucking turds.)
Cheers and stay classy, folks,
-Bryan and Brandon
Beer: Breckenridge Agave Wheat
Music: The Kooks (live, bitches!)
P.S. If you're looking for contemporary vampire stories that don't blow ass, check out the following:
-Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore (humor, and actually you ought to read any of his books)
-Salem's Lot by Stephen King (horror)
-American Vampire by Scott Snyder (graphic novel series)
-Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett (humor)
Well everyone there you have it, the artistic duo behind this months ever-so-classy logo! Bryan and Brandon are two wonderful guys and I would love to be drawn into one of their posts (hint hint wink wink). If you haven't had a beer in the shower you are missing out! To further understand how to enjoy your showered beer click here. Make sure you check these guys out and leave real comments, because we love to hear what you think as bloggers but "nice post" makes us all want to punch you in the face...right in the face!
Until next time...
Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette,
Rudy, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks mucho for the love. We really appreciate it. Though you might want to wash your hands. Bryan picked up the scurvy in his last trip to Las Vegas and you really don't want anything to do with that stuff. We'll definitely be putting you in a future post (if not only to draw your rockin' chin scruff!), since you've been so kind to spread our name around like the infectious disease that it is:) Chaeers and happy new year to you, brother!