Friday, November 25, 2011

Goin' Places

Hey everyone, the last few weeks have been insane which is why I haven't had time to hop on here and drive you wild with my crazy stories and reviews. A lot of the last few days have been wrapped up in us (Anya and I) getting ready for our big trip next week. We are leaving the states for a bit to visit Rome and Madrid and then back to San Diego via San Francisco and LA. 3 weeks in total ending with us taking a train from LA back home on Christmas. Crazy huh? We can't wait, the last few days have both flown by as well as been the longest ones yet. So forgive me guys as I have been behind on a lot of my bloggy duties. I will try to catch up on a few things before I go! So check back before the weekend is out for "Design My Blog" winner, video and "Blog of the Month" updates. Who know's I might even have a new word for you. soon too. Until then I have to try and pack for three weeks...what to take?

Editor & Chief of The Penguin Gazette


1 comment:

  1. That is one hell of a trip you have planned. Hope you have a great time :)
